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Phil and Teds Vibe

Phil and Teds Vibe

The Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller can provide me the help that I need as I deal with my day to day chores in and out of our home. Yes, even at home I use the Vibe on my kids, I don’t have twins but I conceived my second child when my firstborn was just eight months old. So you can just imagine what a huge help the Vibe’s existence is in my life! I don’t feel like I went to the gym weightlifting for five straight hours; that my shoulders and arms as well as my back is killing me every night I go to bed!

The Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller gives me ample valuable time to spend doing my household chores and more time spending the day out for some relaxation and bonding moment with my kids outdoors. As a matter of fact we take everyday walk around the neighborhood, you know just to stretch out or have a few minutes chat with my best friend from high school who lives right down the block, whom is going to be a mom in the next four months. In which by the way I took the liberty of endorsing the Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller for her to buy!

She also has seen what a gem the Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller to have around. And she was particularly intrigued with the Double Decker stroller concept. In the advertisement in the webpage I have shown her  over the internet, it said; the newly enhanced seat, new ergonomic handle, new frame and new follow-the-sun-hood; I don’t really care of how the old model looked like and so she does too! I am well convinced and satisfied with how efficient my Vibe is!

Phil and Teds Vibe Images

At one time the sun was really friendly that day, my friend and I walked out in the park; and she volunteered to push the Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller with my two kids in it. I let her do so, as I was confident how easy the Vibe is to be maneuvered and navigation is never an issue with this awe-inspiring product! The all-terrains wheels didn’t even gave out any squeaky sound even after the first three seconds of having it pushed to start the wheels to roll into the pavement or even when it went through a pothole! Judy was really amazed in how the wheels glide smoothly, unlike some other stroller that makes you feel as if you are using a grocery pushcart with or without the baggage. And instead she can steal make the Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller turn around in a perfect 360 degree angle! That feature alone has made up her mind and end up any indecisiveness feeling and said “I will order the Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller as soon as I get home!”

Since she was already convinced that she will entrust her not yet born baby into the sturdily structured Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller, I provided her with some of the beautiful other features of the Vibe just so she knows how to operate it when the time comes that it’s her turn to use the magnificent stroller!

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