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Phil and Teds Sport

Phil and Teds Sport

If you ask for my opinion about the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller all I can say is; it is the most valuable and the most dependable stroller I have ever purchased and used! Just imagine this, I had the same stroller used and still being used by my three children! If you will ask me if the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller is; economical, durable, sporty and easy to travel with, compact and lightweight, the answer to those questions is a Big Yes!

Why spend unnecessarily hard-earned money for a stroller to carry your infant and another one for thirty months old and one more for a four year-old, when you can use a single Phil and Teds Sport Stroller to all three of them? For me it doesn’t make sense at all!

The Phil and Teds Sport Stroller is a complete compact stroller and the adaptability of the reclining seat to suit the baby’s comfort for easy riding and for making use of the bassinet or the car seat to transform the stroller into the most efficient travel system still amazes me; and never fails to bring a smile into my lips each time I unfold the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller! Totally awesome and adorable features I might add!

Phil and Teds Sport Images

And my kids just love to ride in it! Especially our frequent trips to the park near the beach on weekends. I just love the four contour seat adjustments suitable for all ages. With super secured features of bumper bars to prevent the kiddies from falling of at a sudden break or stoppage I make to prevent bumping into some kids on a skateboard. This safety precaution was made possible with me footing the double break that engages the two rear all-terrains wheels with easy action ability. I’m so glad the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller not only carries the weight of the two toddlers without its metal frames caving out on them but protect them altogether.  Simply amazing!

Not to mention the shock absorbers provided to minimize if not illuminate altogether, the bump feeling when the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller fell into a pothole or navigate through uneven pathways or even getting across  the humps that are forever present wherever you turn! And the all-terrains airless wheels are really a treasure! I’m not inclined to bring any bike air pump or anything to that effect!

My husband enjoy pushing the  Phil and Teds Sport Stroller, of course with the availability of the easy adjustable handle bars that suits his height with no hunchback effect to strain his back and lose his patience and us ending up in our car heading home!

 Luckily we don’t encounter such issues with the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller, unlike some stroller brand I knew of such as that of my sister’s. But she returned it and changes it into the Sport; whom by the way, advised me to get this amazing complete compact travel system! And I’m glad I paid heed to good advice and loving every minute of using the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller! I am totally into using it until my kids outgrows it!

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