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Phil and Teds Explorer

Phil and Teds Explorer

I was scouring through the internet for a stroller system that befits mine and that of my kids needs. Just to make it clear, I don’t have a twin but close-gapped births for a boy and girl. Just imagine how helpful the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller was to me, with its capability of being transformed into a double sitter stroller from a single sitter!

Yes, that’s how awesome the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller actually is! And that is just for starters; let me give some more of the tremendous feature the Explorer possesses. The design of this superb stroller has passed the safety standard prerequisite of being a baby-friendly product; without the seal of approval I wouldn’t have wasted my time and effort in purchasing the product now, would I?

As I mentioned earlier, the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller can carry up to the weight of two kids! The metal frame used in the structure of the Explorer needless to say, can withstand the test of time, let alone numerous kids to use it after the other grew bigger and no longer in need of strollers. This is awesome feature that I liked about the Explorer, I don’t have to buy another stroller just to carry my three years old son while my youngest; which is almost two, rides on the Explorer. Why should I spend more money from unnecessary purchase when both of them can be carried at the same time? And the most amazing thing is it still maintains its single stroller look!

Making the transformation of the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller from a single to a double stroller; yet maintaining its original width that is good for threading through small isles or footpaths that are narrowly built. And I don’t even have to worry about the potholes and the uneven pavements to navigate into, as the wheels are sturdily built to withstand such terrains and the extra weight! There is no question in the easy maneuvering system as well; not to mention that it can rotate a perfect 360 degree angle! Simply amazing!

Phil and Teds Explorer Images

In addition, the superb easy fold and unfold mechanism that the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller is equipped with; never failed to make me smile each I perform the task. I just can’t help it! You will be smiling as well if you don’t have to struggle or even break a nail with what should be a simple task of unfolding your stroller; which should be enough excuse to lose your patience and end up swearing! But the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller will guarantee none of that; I am actually speaking from experience!

I enjoy using the Phil and Teds Explorer Stroller immensely and with absolution! I can tell my kids enjoy riding on it too! They spend half the time on a peaceful sleep during our trips to the park or the mall. I can get on with my shopping without difficulty of having to carry or to tend to a disgruntled child in the stroller! I certainly will recommend the Explorer to my friends as well as my other two sisters when they finally settle down and have a family of their own!

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