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Phil and Teds Classic

Phil and Teds Classic

Easy handling of folding and unfolding a stroller seemed to be the fist priority of the must haves features of a stroller before the customer purchases it. This is one aspect wherein the Phil and Teds Classic Stroller excels at great length amongst its competitors! Well. I knew for a fact as I am a proud owner of the Classic Stroller bearing the awesome brand name!

Like most of the other parents, I would go for an efficient, durable and most of all worthy of its price tag. And if I can find something with the all of the above characteristics, I would grab it with both of my hands! Like I did with my Phil and Teds Classic Stroller! I know the minute I actually slip in my child aboard the stroller that I did get my money’s worth when I made the purchase; every single penny of it!

Although the Phil and Teds Classic Stroller is on the heavy side, but I’m not complaining to be clear; I soon find out that the awesome stroller can be used even if my daughter reached the age of 6 years! Just imagine how much you have saved; from her newborn days to six years of age! How awesome, I can just imagine how much I have saved in buying different types of stroller just to o her growing up years, not to mention the weight!

Phil and Teds Classic Images

My daughter is safe and secure when she is aboard the Phil and Teds Classic Stroller, as I have noticed the safety harness have been installed to keep this aspect true. And just to be honest I’m glad that the manufacturers have thought ahead of time and provided such intelligent inputs on the featured Classic. And not only for the first five to eight months usefulness of the stroller like some of the strollers being sold in the market.

The adaptability of the Phil and Teds Classic Stroller is awesome. The transformation of usefulness details of an infant to carry into a full grown toddler without the safety precautionary measures of the market safety standards being compromised! I can’t as k for more, with already these awesome features in possession of the Classic!

I don’t have to worry of the Phil and Teds Classic Stroller to function as the most efficient travel system, it already is! As the design suggests, this is an umbrella stroller. Protection against the Sun’s UV rays as well as sudden drizzle of rain can be prevented from having its damaging effect on your baby. I did have a few experiences with rain drops sudden fell on us while we were on a stroll at the park. Good thing the sun visor kept her safe from the rain, buying me enough time to get to my car and had her safely inside before the downpour! I didn’t even worry about the speed as the wheels can handle a little speed and the footbrakes can fully support our sudden flight for safety as the footbrake functions in both rear wheels that I can use either of my foot to implement it!

I will give the highest rating for the Phil and Teds Classic Stroller, it’s only appropriate to commend the product with good service and dependability!

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