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Graco Alano

Graco Alano Stroller

Do you want something that you baby would be comfortable in and that had a place for storage & a cup holder for drinks?Are you looking for a stroller that will last me for a few years?I think the Graco Alano Stroller will realize your dream!

This stroller is pretty light weight and rides very smooth,It handled just as well in the grass as on the sidewalk.. It was super easy to put together, less than 10 minutes with no curse words coming.It has a nice basket for storage and There is a cup holder for the baby on the tray. The push bar has a double cup holder and a tray for keys or what ever!The basket is very easy to access even with the seat leaned all the way back, but it also has the drop down capability to make it even better.The seat does not recline all the way back but it reclines enough for baby to be comfortable if sleeping.It comes with a 5 point harness that is easy to adjust.It's easy to maneuver and it opens and closes quite easily. The front tray swings open making it easy to take the baby in and out.

Overall it's a great stroller for the price!Click here to check it's price

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